About Jennifer Queen
Raised in the small town of Kenora, Ontario and educated in Winnipeg, I acquired a unique mix of small town charm and city smarts. From a very young age, I was a classic over-achiever, focused on personal goals and success. I was always rallying the neighbourhood kids to join me in my next business venture, whether it be a lemonade stand, a flower sale, or a carwash to raise money for our grad party! University in Winnipeg provided equal parts culture shock and personal growth. Surrounded by students and faculty from diverse backgrounds, with equally diverse interests, I quickly learned that enjoying life itself was just as important as personal success. It was really eye-opening. Today, life makes me smile.
I acquired my Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Manitoba with a concentration in Marketing and Finance. I also gone on to complete my MBA in Marketing at the University of Manitoba to further enhance my real estate marketing abilities. I have always believed that if you aren’t getting better, you are getting worse – which is why I continue to invest in these educational courses. I am currently a mentor to new agents at RE/MAX professionals which allows me to impart much of what I have learned over the years while sharpening my skills.
I’ve spoken positively about my University experience above, but best part of University, was that I reconnected and fell in love with one of my old high-school classmates, Logan who had also moved to Winnipeg from Kenora. Quite often you will find the two of us working as a team for our signature Open Houses.