RankMyAgent's (RMA) verified reviews help you get recognized, build trust and build your business.
Anuja Kumarasamy
RE/MAX Realtron Ad Team Realty
70 verified reviews
Latest review
1 week ago
We had a great experience with Anuja from the very first meeting! Her experience and knowledge are shared with clients in a way that made us feel instantly at ease, knowing we were in good hands. She... read more
Did you know 98% of consumers read reviews online
when researching a local business?
RankMyAgent (RMA)’s reviews reinforce your great reputation and our verified reviews automatically post on your website, REALTOR.ca and other social channels.
Ramp up your SEO, resulting in increased visibility on Google searches so potential clients call you first
Don’t let competitors or slander ruin your reputation. Each RankMyAgent review is triple verified by the agent, client and our human moderation team to ensure that reviews written are based on actual transactions. Rest assured each review is moderated using our review guidelines.
Now as you collect RankMyAgent reviews, you can also easily collect testimonials on realtor.com!
Our integration allows your clients to easily share reviews from RankMyAgent (RMA) to realtor.com.
Note: This integration is only available to premium Agents, Team lite, Team plus accounts. Learn more about our plans here.
To set up this integration, please follow the guide below:
1. Log in to your RankMyAgent account.
2. Head over to "Edit Profile".
3. In the "Web and Social" tab, scroll to the "Amplify Your Reviews Everywhere" section and you will see the " Realtor.com Profile" field.
4. You will need your realtor.com profile link. To get your realtor.com profile link, follow these steps:
4.1. Go to your realtor.com public profile.
4.2. Go to the URL link of the page and copy the text that is after the
https://www.realtor.com/realestateagents/ part.
4.3. Go back to your RankMyAgent account.
For example, if your realtor.com URL is https://www.realtor.com/realestateagents/5673e3debb954c010067f9da, please only put 5673e3debb954c010067f9da in the blank field in your RMA account because the https://www.realtor.com/realestateagents/ part has already been pre-filled for you.
6. Remember to click the "Update" button and you are all set up!
After you do this integration, the next time you request a review your client will be encouraged to copy it to realtor.com.
Every review that is submitted on RMA will ask your clients to share their review on realtor.com.
1) Like our standard review procedure, your reviewers will be asked to verify their review in their e-mail once they have finished reviewing.
2) After clicking the link, the following page will ask them to leave their review on other platforms. The window will ask them to copy their review and pick the platform they want to paste their review on, so they do not have to rewrite the review.
3) They will then be directed to your realtor.com profile where they can click the "Rate and write a review" button and paste their RMA review that they have copied from step #2 above.
Note: Reviewers must log into either their realtor.com, Apple account, Facebook, or Google account to post their review.
Yes, you can integrate your reviews to show automatically on your realtor.ca profile and listings.
Any RankMyAgent (RMA) reviews that are live will automatically show on realtor.ca and on your listings. Check out our FAQ to learn how to connect your accounts.
*Available with all account types, RMA Basic and RMA Premium.
98% of people read online reviews about a business before deciding to work with them.
With that many eyes on your business and Google searches being made, establish trust with the public from the reviews of past clients. With RankMyAgent, reviews are written by clients who worked with you and give a testament to the experience they had.
No, you are not required to pay to have an account.
RankMyAgent offers a 30-day free premium trial to all real estate professionals upon sign up. After these 30 days, you can choose to subscribe to RMA Premium, which allows you to access all account benefits and integrations.
If you choose not, your account will automatically downgraded to RankMyAgent (RMA) Basic, our free version, and you can continue to collect your reviews and use limited account features.
For more information about our plan differences and what they offer, click here to read more.
Yes, RankMyAgent has two integrations that can connect to Google Reviews.
RMA profile can connect to display 5 Google Reviews from your Google Business Page. We can also link to your Google Business Page and encourage your clients to leave their feedback to Google, after they finish a review on your RMA profile.
*These features are only available during the 30-day premium trial or with a subscription to RMA Premium.
**You must have an active Google Business Page for integrations to work.
Congratulations on winning a R-OSCAR!
* Paget, S. (2023, February 7) Local Consumer Review Survey 2023