RankMyAgent For buyers, sellers, and renters For real estate professionals For brokerages For teams Write a Review Get Started

Helping you become everyone’s recommended REALTOR®

RankMyAgent's (RMA) verified reviews help you get recognized, build trust and build your business.

Why you need RankMyAgent (RMA)

Did you know 98% of consumers read reviews online
when researching a local business? *

Be Recognized

RankMyAgent (RMA)’s reviews reinforce your great reputation and our verified reviews automatically post on your website, REALTOR.ca and other social channels.

Rank Higher on Google

Ramp up your SEO, resulting in increased visibility on Google searches so potential clients call you first.

Generate new clients

Let your powerful authentic RankMyAgent reviews speak for themselves and generate leads that want to work with you.
Save your marketing dollars on advertising and let your online word of mouth work for you.

Share your reviews automatically to REALTOR.ca, REMAX.ca, and other partner sites

Display reviews received on RankMyAgent to your REALTOR.ca and remax.ca listings and profile.
Encourage clients to post RankMyAgent reviews on Google, LinkendIn to amplify the good word of mouth.
Consolidate your google reviews on your RankMyAgent profile so clients have all the information to make an informed decision.

Get Recognition for Your Achievements with our R-OSCAR Awards

Be nominated for our annual awards celebrating your success and achievements in our national and city award categories.
Proudly display your achievements with award badge widgets on social media, brand website, and RMA profile.
Encourage clients to post RankMyAgent reviews on Google, LinkendIn to amplify the good word of mouth.
Download your RankMyAgent reviews in a few clicks as ready-to-share social media graphics.
Get Recognition for Your Achievements with our R-OSCAR Awards.

Stop fake reviews in their tracks that are trying to hurt your business

Don’t let competitors or slander ruin your reputation. Each RankMyAgent review is triple verified by the agent, client and our human moderation team to ensure that reviews written are based on actual transactions. Rest assured each review is moderated using our review guidelines.

Amplify your reviews Everywhere

Fast track sending review reminders to your clients with our RE/MAX automatic integration that reminds you to request a review once a listing falls from the remax.ca site
Download instantly generated graphics for social media and listing presentations or easily get your reviews to display on your websites.
Use our widgets share your stream of positive RankMyAgent reviews on your websites to build trust.

Join RankMyAgent to amplify your impact

Most popular
Basic Account
Premium Account
Request and collect unlimited verified reviews
Publish your RankMyAgent reviews to your Realtor.ca profile automatically
Showcase your brand, experience, and expertise through our searchable, professional profile - allowing clients to easily find you by your name and your geo-farming areas
Download stunning graphics of your reviews for social media sharing, listing presentations, or further brand customizations
Show your professionalism by responding publicly to all your reviews
Publish your RankMyAgent reviews to your Realtor.ca profile automatically
Reinforce your reputation across the internet by integrating and easily allowing your clients to push their RankMyAgent reviews to Google & LinkedIn, helping you stay top of mind and on search
Let potential clients learn more about you by direct links to your website and social media channels
Display your featured videos on your profile
Effortlessly use our templates to send requests off to your clients, with our built-in request system
Track the status of your review requests
Use your contact directory to send review request invitations that auto-fill your client’s info, fast-tracking review submissions
Dynamic display of RankMyAgent reviews straight to your website
Number of Publicly Displayed reviews on Your Profile
3 latest reviews
Number of Publicly Displayed photos
Up to 3
Number of Geo-locations to tag your profile with to get higher search results on RankMyAgent & Google Search Results
Comprehensive phone, chat, email & local support
Always available
Always available

* Paget, S. (2023, February 7) Local Consumer Review Survey 2023