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Reviewed on 02 March, 2021 by Dallin Beloglowka
Teresa Ahloy helped us Buy in February, 2021
Recent: Calgary, AB
out of 5
Teresa made the entire experience of buying my first home extremely enjoyable, easy, and stress-free. I was extremely impressed with her knowledge of the market and her ability to know if something was a good deal or overpriced. We spent quite a long time narrowing down the type of house and area I wanted to be in, which as a first time home buyer I really appreciated. She never made me feel like I was wasting her time, even after seeing 50+ different houses over the course of several months. Teresa even encouraged me to be patient and wait for the perfect house on multiple occasions, there were times it would have been easy for her to let me settle on something that was good enough but not perfect. Additionally, Teresa was also extremely easy to reach, just a quick text away at almost any time. This helped us in closing on a house very quickly that came up during a time that houses were selling with only a few days on market. Even after the purchase was already complete Teresa helped me save some money by continuing to negotiate based on the pre-purchase inspection. Overall, Teresa went above and beyond all expectations and made the purchase of my first home a perfect experience. I would highly recommend Teresa to anybody.