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Kevin Flaherty Review

4.95 out of 5.00

Based out of 49 Reviews
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Reviewed on 05 March, 2021 by Lucila T.

Kevin Flaherty helped us Buy in February, 2021

Recent: Orangeville, ON

out of 5
Neighbourhood Knowledge
5.00 /5.00
5.00 /5.00
5.00 /5.00
Negotiation Skills
5.00 /5.00
Property Knowledge
5.00 /5.00
Communications Skills
5.00 /5.00
Contact Expectations
5.00 /5.00

Julio Mendez was our Real State Agent during the process of finding our new home in Toronto. Coming from a different province, it was a peace of mind to work with him as he provided us comprehensive information to make an informed decision on the property we bought. Julio is a very calm and attentive person. At the same time, he is very fast at negotiating and put all his efforts into exhausting all the actual and potential options that a client may have in order to get the right property. I cannot speak from other clients' experiences, but from our own, we can definitely say that he was a great agent to us!