Connect Real Estate Group - Calgary.     Profeta | Hare | Mah | Sceviour
Connect Real Estate Group - Calgary.     Profeta | Hare | Mah | Sceviour

Connect Real Estate Group - Calgary. Profeta | Hare | Mah | Sceviour

Team • RE/MAX Real Estate (Central)

4.94/5 96 reviews


5 REALTORS® Working as a Team.
We are the Connect Real Estate Group at RE/MAX Real Estate (Central).
We pride ourselves on being a team that puts you, our clients, relationships, and families first.

Nick JM Profeta | Heather Profeta | Patrick Hare | Albert Mah | Ryan Sceviour

206, 2411 - 4th St NW, Calgary, AB T2M 2Z8


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