Real Broker
minimum 20 words
Neighbourhood Knowledge
Did your real estate agent help you learn about your neighbourhood you sold, rented or purchased in?
How well did your professional guide you through the real estate process?
Did your real estate agent present themselves and the properties in a professional manner?
Negotiation Skills
Did your real estate agent offer advice on negotiation? Were they able to negotiate successfully on your behalf?
Property Knowledge
Did your professional have specific knowledge on the property that you were looking to buy, sell, or rent?
Communications Skills
Did your real estate professional keep you up to date on your transaction?
Contact Expectations
Was your real estate agent in contact with you in a timely manner? Did they arrive on time for appointments?
Are you aware of any factors that were beyond the control of your Agent?
Did you get the value you desired from this transaction?
Would you use this professional again
When did Christy Cantera // Edmonton help you?
What did Christy Cantera // Edmonton help you with?
Please enter the street address that was part of the transaction.
We never post the address on the site. It is only used for verification purposes.
Please enter the city or neighbourhood that was part of the transaction.
The city or neighbourhood is shown publicly and is intended to showcase your agent's standing in the community
Feel free to use an alias