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Ryan Dutka Review

5 out of 5.00

Based out of 176 Reviews
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Positive Reviews 100% (176)
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Reviewed on 03 March, 2020 by Des Williamson

Ryan Dutka helped us Sell in March, 2020

Recent: Edmonton, AB

out of 5
Neighbourhood Knowledge
5.00 /5.00
5.00 /5.00
5.00 /5.00
Negotiation Skills
5.00 /5.00
Property Knowledge
5.00 /5.00
Communications Skills
5.00 /5.00
Contact Expectations
5.00 /5.00
Ryan helped me navigate power of attorney issues with selling my parent’s condo, provided a thorough recommendation on asking price, good advice on handling the negotiation, and the result was a quick sale. We are very pleased with Ryan’s service.