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Joseph Yisak

MaxWell Devonshire Edmonton


10 Verified Reviews
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11058 51 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta

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He was always up to date and is a quick responder when I have questions. He is a very helpful person.... Read more

About Joseph Yisak

As a trusted real estate advisor for my clients, I understand that selling and/or buying a home is complex and deeply personal. There is also a lot at stake financially and personally. My perspective on the process and the responsibility felt towards my clients drives me to truly be an expert at my job. I understand the market, the players, and all of the variables involved in a real estate transaction. I want to make sure you feel supported and that you have a trusted advisor by your side.Real estate is a passion for me. Prior to entering real estate, I worked as a Certified journeyman electrician/foreman for 7 years. The construction experience I gained from working on the field as an electrician, I now use every day to help my clients choose the perfect home and ensure they get the best there is in the market.As a seller, you want to effectively market the beauty of your home and then negotiate to secure the highest possible price and cleanest terms for the sale. As a buyer, you want a patient yet assertive partner to help purchase the right home for you at the best possible price. In other words, you want to make sure you don't leave any money on the table. This is where I step in to partner with you as your consultant, negotiator, and project manager. I am here to help you navigate through all your real estate needs with ease. Contact me today! Services available in:English, Amharic and Tigrinya. Licensed: Residential | Commercial Real Estate. Joseph Yisak YY. Realty 780-266-6990 | [email protected]
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