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Leonardo Moreno Reviews

5.00 out of 5.00

Based on 1 Reviews

Communications Skills

Contact Expectations


Negotiation Skills

Neighbourhood Knowledge


Property Knowledge

Reviewed 7 years ago by Alexandre Methot

Leonardo Moreno helped us Buy in June 2016


out of 5

Neighbourhood Knowledge



Negotiation Skills

Property Knowledge

Communications Skills

Contact Expectations

<p>Nous avons travaillé avec plus de 5 agents immobilier. Ils étaient tous pushy et donnaient de mauvais conseils pour vendre une propriété rapidement. Leonardo Moreno est le seul Agent Immobilier que je peux conseiller à mon entourage. Il a pris le temps de comprendre nos besoins et a travaillé très fort à chacune des étapes de l'achat de notre maison. - Alexandre</p> <p>(English) </p> <p>We have worked with more than 5 real estate agents. They were pushy and gave bad advice to sell a property quickly. Leonardo Moreno is the only real estate agent I can advise to my friends. He took the time to understand our needs and worked very hard at all stages of the purchase of our house. - Alexander</p>