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Adam Dawes

Sales Representative


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Real Broker
7710 5 St SE #101, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 2L9

About Adam Dawes

With over 6 years of sales experience. Adam brings a fresh approach to the constantly changing landscape of Real Estate. I was born in Calgary but grew up in a suburb of Vancouver before moving back to the prairies 8 years ago. Since being in Calgary, my passion for helping people made it natural to gravitate to the sales sector... starting in the Automotive Industry ( Imports / Luxury ) as well as the Fitness Industry before transitioning to my dream career in Real Estate. Through this path, I built and developed a skill set to provide an ideal service and acquire my Clients' their dream properties! Buying or selling a home can be as stressful as it gets, and the ability to not only alleviate that stress for the client but to watch them gain conviction in their real estate decisions is why I do what I do. By being a part of the Real Estate Partners, I have access to tools that allow me to offer more value to my clients than the average REALTOR®. Whether you are selling or buying a home, I can't wait to help you take the steps necessary to turn your dreams into your reality.


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